Friday, August 7, 2015

Friday Faves 8.7.15



I had never really been an Instagram person. To provide some weight behind that statement let me give you an example: 

I was recently supporting some of my friend’s sisters and Lexie at a dance competition, and after having lunch with four high school freshman I came to the realization that I was not as Instagram cool as I thought I was. They were talking about a photo, who one of them posted that received over 300 likes (these girls go to a school with less than 300 people!). I don’t even have 100 followers, let alone a photo with over 300 likes.

However; within the last five or six months I realized that there are just more than skinny bodies and food pictures. There are actually humorous accounts! Drumroll, please! @crazyjewishmom is honestly the most funny Instagram account ever! Granted, I am not really a huge Instagram person as shown above...but really the best!

@crazyjewishmom is an account created by @KateESiegel, who actually has to deal with these texts on a daily basis. Enjoy this Nightline video to catch a glimpse at their life.

ABC US News | World News

Mary Poppins

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go see Mary Poppins, The Broadway Musical. It was incredible. It has been forever since I’d seen the movie, so it was a completely new experience.

There were a few parts of the musical with a slightly different storyline than the movie, but the on stage effects and the singing was wonderful none-the-less. 

After the musical was all said and done, my Aunt and I rented the movie, “Saving Mr. Banks.” “Saving Mr. Banks” is the story of the making of the movie “Mary Poppins.” E.L. Travers and her life. If you haven’t seen it, it’s a must see. 

Take the time to step back into your childhood and find out how our beloved nanny came to be! So to hold you over until you have time to immerse yourself in that story, here is some Broadway Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious to enjoy!


A Man Walks into a Bar...50 States Style

Everyone's heard a classic guy walks into a bar joke at some point in their life. A rare few are good enough to produce laughter induced tears, some make you giggle slightly, and the majority make you shake your head in wonder of why someone chose to make such a bad joke.

A comedian took the joke a step further; instead, characterizing each of the fifty states as a guy in the bar. It's insightfully hilarious. The jokes made range from slightly offensive to completely on point. 

As a Kansan I can say his accuracy for at least one state is pretty on point, and the man spoken of does probably exist in many a Kansas bar. 

If this can be held up as truth in any way, I think North Carolina, and Pennsylvania would be fun wing women (even if one is pregnant!), while getting in with Utah, Arizona, and Washington D.C would be essential for a smooth night. Connecticut would also be a fun drinking buddy if you met her standards. 

On the other hand, I'm definitely steering clear of Missouri, Arkansas, and Wyoming. Kansas City is obviously better in Kansas, and I don't do conspiracy theories or arm wrestling. 

Click here to see if you match your state's description!

Taylor Swift 

It's been officially announced! The next single from Swift's latest album is...*drumroll*... "Wildest Dreams!"

This song happens to be my favorite off of "1989," as it has a different feel than the other songs, and has stellar lyrics. For me it's almost reminiscent of some of Lana Del Rey's work but with Taylor signature spin of course. 

Jena and I are pretty big T-Swift fans so I'm sure you'll be hearing about her, and this song in the future! Here's to hoping the video is spectacular and the radio doesn't ruin the song by over playing it! 

If it hasn't already made it in your Top 25 most played, buy it here!


Jena & Lexie

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